国际写作竞赛系列一 —— 皇家英联邦写作大赛









BIRTHDAY(2004.7.1 -2009.6.30)

1. As Head of the Commonwealth, His Majesty The King is opening an international conference on the importance of young people in decision making. Write his speech.

2. Does age matter?

3. The 2023 Year of Youth was a moment of significant social change – what was its impact on the world?

4. Script a dialogue between two people, with contrasting viewpoints, on an issue that divides generations.





1. In fiction and throughout history, young people have performed numerous acts of heroism. Choose your favourite young hero and write to them about why you admire them.

2. What is your youthful superpower, and how can it make a positive difference to the world?

3. You have been stranded on a planet where everyone is 18 or under. Journal your experience.

4. Why does your voice matter?




